A Typical Day

I am back again! I have been meaning to blog for ages but in this day and age with micro blogs like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram it becomes really difficult. However I made the decision to really make an effort to regularly blog since I get so many positive responses and so many questions! So, let us begin. One of the most common questions I get is what does my typical day look like. Well, allow me to explain.

Typical Day
My typical day is pretty simple but a lot of people seem to have a hard time grasping the concepts that I put across and putting them into practice. So, I have laid it out in a simple table that you can see above.

A typical day actually starts the night before. This is because if I know I am going to train the night before I will back load carbohydrates the night before. Typically I will carb back load with rice or sweet potatoes. Sometimes I like to have a little fun with carb back loading and there are many choices that you can carb back load with so check out my previous article here. Having carbs at night also helps you to get a good sleep.

So, when I wake up I start my day with a Bulletproof Coffee. If you do not like coffee then there are other options that I will touch on in another blog at a later date. I start my day with this because it gives me a ton of fat to fuel my brain and body for the whole morning as well as delivering a ton of fat that my body craves in order to produce strong cell walls and potent hormones. It also keeps me satiated so that I do not get any food cravings. Then I will typically fast until lunch.

Fasting until lunch means that in total from when I had my last meal the night before I will have fasted for around 15 or 16 hours including the time that I have been asleep. You can check out my previous post on the benefits of Intermittent Fasting here. For my lunch I will typically have a meal that consists of meat, vegetables and fat. Notice I still have not eaten any carbs because I am trying to stay in a state of ketosis where my body is running on fat and burning fat for fuel.

I will then typically depending on whether or not I intend to train continue to fast until the afternoon or if I am not planning on training then I will have a meal or snack based around meat, vegetables and fat to stay in ketosis.

In the afternoon I will train. My exercise prescription can be found here. I try to train fasted in order to get my body to respond faster i.e. release adrenaline. If I am not training then I will rest.

In the evening if I have trained I will have a post workout meal that consists of meat, vegetables, fat and finally lots of carbohydrates! You can have lots of carbohydrates now to replenish those carb stores that you spent whilst exercising. Also because you have been exercising you have caused the Glutโ€™s in your muscles to rise to the surface due to heavy muscle contraction. These Glutโ€™s will help to pull carbs into the muscles without the need for insulin. If I did not train, I will still eat in this way but perhaps not so many carbs to load my muscles up with carbohydrates for the next day because by now I have been in ketosis for long enough that my liver and muscles will need replenishing.

I will have another meal late in the evening similar to the meal that I had before with meat, vegetables, fat and carbohydrates. Like I mentioned before carbs before bedtime will help you to sleep. The amount of carbs depends on whether I have trained that day or if I plan on training the next day.

Then I will sleep. This is super important for the body to heal and recover. A whole host of important thing happen during sleep and I will address those things in a blog post another day.

There you have it! A typical day. I hope this helps you to understand how to implement the concepts that I put across in your daily routine and once you start getting a feel for how this is or is not working for you then you can adjust and adapt it to your own means whilst still sticking to the main concepts of intermittent fasting, training fasted, eating enough fat and saving your carbs until later in the day.

Train Smart Not Hard!


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