Eat Clean

If you are sick of fad diets that do not work, you need to eat the Train Smart Not Hard Way.

The Train Smart Not Hard approach to eating will keep you feeling full and provide you with tons of energy and it is to simply Eat Clean.

I have used my First Class Honours degree in Sports & Exercise Nutrition to make informed decisions about what I include in my diet to ensure that I have the proper nutrition. Also I have tried almost every diet and eating plan out there from low carbs, no carbs, low fat, high fat, high protein, 3 square meals a day to 6 meals a day and I felt that they were all missing something, I never felt good or at my best physically or mentally. I feel I have found what finally works and feel physically strong, full of energy, mentally strong and my overall health is better than it ever has been.

So what should I eat?

You have probably heard this before but Eat Clean and stay away from processed food. Buy fresh food, if what you are eating has a nutrition label full of a list of ingredients that you have never heard of do not eat it. The Train Smart Not Hard way of eating consists mainly of meat, vegetables, a little starch/carbohydrate and plenty of good fats.

Train Smart Not Hard Foods


  • Grass Fed Beef (if you cannot get grass fed buy the leanest cut possible)
  • New Zealand Lamb
  • Pork
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Free Range Eggs


  • Broccoli
  • Pak Choi
  • Chinese Leaf
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Carrots

Herbs and Spices

  • Coriander
  • Parsley
  • Ginger
  • Tumeric
  • Cinnamon


  • Sweet Potatoes
  • White Rice


  • Coconut Oil
  • Grass-Fed Butter
  • MCT Oil
  • Avocados
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil


  • Coffee
  • Green Tea
  • Water

Why these foods?

Hopefully you find the above list helpful when making your food choices and you are probably asking, “Why these foods?”.

Well, they are the cleanest foods with the lowest levels of toxins. Not many people are aware of this but many foods contain mycotoxins that seriously affect your health and how you perform both physically and mentally by causing inflammation in the body.

For more information about mycotoxins visit Dave Asprey at The Bulletproof Executive, he has lots of articles and interesting information on the subject.

You have probably noticed there are no fruits or nuts included in the Train Smart Not Hard way of eating. Well fruit is high in sugar which will mess up your energy levels but if you must eat fruit go for fruit that is low in sugar like berries. As for nuts they are high in toxins, if you must eat nuts soak them over night first before consuming.

The above list is designed to keep toxins at a minimum thus reducing inflammation in your body whilst providing you with the proper nutrition that you need to feel full, energised, physically and mentally strong. If you follow the Train Smart Not Hard way and Eat Clean combined with Training Smart Not Hard you should see yourself becoming stronger both physically and mentally without having to starve yourself.


Train Smart Not Hard!