So, I recently had the honour of training with Denny Propokos, one of the few 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Black belts in the world! Denny was the first student to be awarded Black belt status by Eddie Bravo and it was great to be able to train with him. We worked on some cool stuff […]

Throwback Thursday – ADCC 2011
Throwback to ADCC 2011 in Nottingham where I met ADCC 2003 Absolute, 2005 Superfight & 2011 -98.9 kg champion Dean “The Boogeyman” Lister!

Save Olympic Wrestling
In 2020 the Olympic sport of wrestling may be dropped from the games. Wrestling is one of the oldest sports known to man and an original Olympic sport. It teaches a work ethic unparalleled by many sports and is a corner stone of one of my favourite sports which is MMA. It is crazy therefore […]